D i D A M I N D

Learning becomes easier

Why Choose LGE?

Our technology allows remote access to information, anywhere, anytime, and from any device. No need to install an application!

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Security protocols are applied to data access, storage and transfer.

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Advanced functionalities to automate several management processes according to the needs of the institutions.

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Improved accessibility

A web application available 24/7 for students, teachers and school staff.

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Automatic schedules

LGE automatically generates student schedules, saving time and providing high accuracy.

Simplify your school life with LGE

Our school management application is a comprehensive solution that simplifies time-consuming administrative tasks, improves communication between different user groups and optimizes the educational experience of students. Through features such as automation of administrative tasks, customization of dashboards and data analysis, our application is an indispensable tool for schools wishing to improve their performance and offer a high quality educational experience

Automation of administrative tasks
Customization of evaluation reports
Multilingual accessibility
Ease of use and installation
Enhanced communication
Process optimization
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School management software

Innovate to improve education with our school management software

LGE is a simple and complete all-in-one solution for educational institutions such as schools, colleges, high schools, universities. It is a powerful school management application adapted to the specificity of education. It allows you to manage your school using multiple features. LGE is also compatible with your existing procedures and, above all, it complies with every current pedagogical and administrative structure.

Our school management application is an essential tool for modern schools looking to improve efficiency and productivity. It offers a multitude of features to automate administrative tasks, customize dashboards and track student progress. With its simplicity of use and ease of integration, it can be easily adopted by teachers, students and parents to provide a superior educational experience. With our application, you can be sure of optimized school management, allowing you to focus on what matters most: your students' education..

50 % -
Reduction of management time
20 % +
Improving education outcomes
90 % -
Reduction of input errors
15 % +
Savings on administrative costs

Improve productivity with LGE

Manage your school year in simple clicks with our school management software

The management of the school life is quite complex, moreover it requires for its completion the realization and the accomplishment of several tasks and procedures and procedures.

With our solution, schools can save time and resources, and focus on their core mission: educating students. We are convinced that our solution can help improve the quality of teaching by simplifying the management of school life

  • We have integrated the functionality needed to complete both administrative and instructional tasks.
  • Our school management software ensures a harmonized management thanks to intuitive and ergonomic interfaces.
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Clubs and activities

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Internships and partnerships

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Residential services

LGE to optimize the educational experience

The solution for effective and efficient school management

Each of the users (parents, members of the administration) will find on their phone or tablet the same functions.

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A fluid management of the information system

School management software with all the tools you need

LGE integrates all the necessary tools to facilitate the management of your institution, from the management of students to invoicing, as well as the management of timetables and the library. Choose simplicity and ease with our all-in-one app.

Teachers Management

Add & Edit Teacher.
Consult the Teacher sheet.
Status of Teachers
Teacher Distribution.

Student Management

Add & Edit Student.
Consult Student.
Add & View Student Prospects
Send & View Email

Library Management

Add and Edit book.
Borrow & Return Book.
Book Search
General status
Entry and exit status

Administration Management

Switch between university years.
Enter a university calendar
Enter the General Information.
Add and Remove User.
Authorizations and Leave

Schedules Management

Student Schedule.
Teacher's schedule.
Periodic schedule.
Non-periodic schedule
Correspondence Management
Daily Score Status

Financial Management

Student Transaction.
Establish a Student Payment Status.
Statement of Bank Reconciliation.
Establish a check statement.
Edit monthly statement of shifts

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